Set up Word ribbon

Normally, students will set up the Word & PPT ribbons in one step, by dragging the UI files over/into the shortcut (in the given starting files in the COMP 6 folder). Try this again.
If it doesn't work, skip to the next option for set up.

Drag user interface (UI) file

Go to Z: folder, then go into the folder set up Word, PPT

Drag both UI files over/into the shortcut for Office.

Once you've done this, close Word if it's open and then open it again (to refresh the settings).

Your Home tab should look like this (with only Clipboard, Font & Paragraph sections).

If you've tried the above steps, and your Home tab still looks like this... then follow the steps below.

set up ribbon from in Word

In Word, go to the  File menu...

The go to Options...

Then choose Customize Ribbon

On the bottom-right, click on Import/Export ... and choose "Import customization file"

Browse to Student Share > Koppejan > RESOURCES and double-click on Word.exportedUI

Click on Yes to replace the existing ribbon.